User satisfaction survey of FY2024

About this survey

We have prepared a questionnaire for users of the NDL. Please help us improve the usability of the NDL by answering this questionnaire.

Answers are processed statistically and individual answers are not linked to the respondent. Also, the data will not be used for any purpose other than this survey.

Questionnaire items

This survey has six parts. It will take about 10 minutes to complete.

  1. General experiences with study or research
  2. Experiences using the NDL
  3. Online services
  4. Services for visitors
  5. Satisfaction with the NDL
  6. About yourself


  • Questions marked with "" are mandatory.

Clicking the “Next” button on the lower right of this screen starts the survey.


Planning Division, Administrative Department, National Diet Library, Japan (
About user surveys of the NDL: User Surveys (Open in new window)